So, I’ve started working on the Motion comic version of the story and what I mean by this is that the previous episodes were made using just the panels from the comic, the reason I had to do this is that I’ve lost the textures for the backgrounds for Chapter 2 and it was a major problem in fixing it, but starting with Chapter 3 I have all that I need to work with….
But... but… another idea came to me while working.
What if… now hold onto your seats… what if… instead of turning the webcomic into a motion comic, I turn the 3D animation into a motion comic…
[suddenly chairs, tables and kitchen sinks started flying]
No I know what you’re going to say “Will you make up your mind and finish the damn story!” or “ We don’t like how the characters look as 3D models.” or (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
But hear me out on this:
The motion comic is a side project, the only reason I’m doing it is that I want to add some animation and music (maybe some voice acting practice) to the story(s). And it’s not going to affect the regular webcomic witch is my main work. In fact, I noticed that this past week redrawing the caracters for the motion comic interfered with the webcomic progress.
There’s an upside with this 3D version, that there’s will be an alternate version to the story and due to its limitations I’ll have to imagine new ways to work. With drawing it’s just going to be same repetitive stuff that you’ve seen before and I for one don’t want that. It's booring form me and probably boring for everyone elese.
Don’t worry, this time I'm NOT deleteing the motion comic, I'm going to continue to chapter 3.
So yeah, I’m going to give it a try. I am capable of adding sound effects, some voice acting (i hope).
I don't have an estimeted completion date... so, yeah.. when it's done it's done.